Parents! Fancy a Baby & Child First Aid private session?

I would love to spend 2 hours with you and friends or family teaching these life-saving skills.

It’s friendly (some even say it is fun!), it’s flexible (evenings and weekends available) and it’s your session (all your questions answered).

In a 2 hour Baby & Child First Aid session we cover:

Care of the unresponsive, non breathing casualty

Choking identification and management

Burns and scald management

Head injuries

Care of the unresponsive, breathing casualty

Febrile seizures

Meningitis and sepsis awareness

Argh… that all sounds scary. I get it. Let me empower you with all the information you need, and get you feeling confident in whatever life may throw at you.

The fine print:

Private sessions available within a 15 mile radius of Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire.

Cost is £25- 28 per person (depending on location)

Minimum 5 participants required (min cost £125)

Notebook included

Email me (Sammy!) at and let’s get you booked in!

Lucy loved it her private session. Here’s what she had to say:

“We found the session very helpful and reassuring. We feel much more confident in the- hopefully very unlikely- event we need to put these skills into practice. We thought your style was a great balance between taking the substance seriously, but also keeping it entertaining too”.

Ready to learn these life-saving skills? Contact me now with your preferred days and times.